An illustrated copy of the Shahnamah of Firdawsi

Location: Isfahan

Materials: richly illuminated opening spread; chapter heading; intercolumnar spaces and corner pieces on some folios

Dimensions: 541 folios, 35 x 23.8 cm

Accession Number: MSS 544


62 illustrations, most of which extend beyond the ruled area (dimensions given are maximum):

1. Folio 3a
Firdawsi’s dream: he is received at the court of Sultan Mahmud of Ghaznah
22.3 x 19.3 cm

2. Folio 4b
Tahmurath, enthroned, receives the wise minister Shidasp
29.8 x 19 cm

3. Folio 5b
Hushang fights the black div
29.8 x 19 cm

4. Folio 9b
The plot to keep the kingdom’s youth from being sacrificed to Zahhak
26.7 x 19.5 cm

5. Folio 11b
Kavah brought to Zahhak
30.7 x 19.5 cm

6. Folio 20b
Tur smites Iraj with the seat of gold
25.2 x 20 cm

7. Folio 22b
The envoy of Salm arrives at the court of Faridun
30.2 x 19.2 cm

8. Folio 25b
Manuchihr unseats Tur
22.2 x 19.6 cm

9. Folio 30b
The simurgh returns Zal to his father Sam
30.5 x 20.6 cm

10. Folio 36a
Zal meets Rudabah in her pavilion at night
30.5 x 19.3 cm

11. Folio 41a
Sam greets his son Zal
24.7 x 19.5 cm

12. Folio 55b
Zal smites Khazarvan with the ox-like mace
18.2 x 21.8 cm

13. Folio 59b
Rustam is told the value of his horse, Rakhsh
26.2 x 19.9 cm
painting signed by Kazim-quli

14. Folio 61b
Rustam’s first encounter with Afrasiyab: he lifts him from his horse by his belt
23.7 x 22 cm

15. Folio 64a
A div disguised as a minstrel arrives at the court of Kay Kavus
27 x 19.6 cm

16. Folio 67b
Rustam sleeps while Rakhsh slays a lion
21.7 x 19.5 cm

17. Folio 70b
Rustam slays the div Arzhang
23.3 x 19.1 cm
painting signed by Kazim-quli

18. Folio 71b
Rustam slays the white div
32.5 x 18.8 cm

19. Folio 74b
Rustam carries off the king of Mazandaran, who has disguised himself as a rock
19 x 20 cm

20. Folio 79b
The skyward ascent of Kay Kavus
19.7 x 19.3 cm

21. Folio 83b
Tahminah comes to Rustam at night
23 x 15.9 cm

22. Folio 89a
Suhrab questions Hujir about the Iranian camp
17.3 x 19.3 cm

23. Folio 92b
Suhrab asks Rustam not to engage in combat
18.9 x 18.5 cm

24. Folio 93b
Rustam laments the slaying of his son Suhrab
24.3 x 19.3 cm
painting signed by Kazim-quli

25. Folio 97b
Sudabah tries to seduce Siyavash
24.4 x 14.9 cm

26. Folio 101a
The fire-ordeal of Siyavash
17.6 x 19.9 cm

27. Folio 110a
Afrasiyab embraces Siyavash
24.7 x 19.8 cm

28. Folio 111a
Siyavash displays his prowess before Afrasiyab
24.8 x 19.9 cm

29. Folio 118a
Siyavash pierces four shields before Garzivaz and the court
31.2 x 19.6 cm

30. Folio 124a
Guruy pours the blood of Siyavash upon the earth
24.8 x 19.1 cm

31. Folio 127a
Piran presents Kay Khusraw to Afrasiyab
29.4 x 18.5 cm

32. Folio 130b
Rustam unhorses Pilsam
31.4 x 22.5 cm

33. Folio 147a
Forud, son of Siyavash, kills the horse of Tus
24.7 x 20 cm

34. Folio 171b
Rustam shoots at Ashkabus
24.1 x 17.8 cm

35. Folio 186a
Rustam and Puladvand engage in combat
24.8 x 220.4 cm

36. Folio 189a
The div Akvan prepares to throw Rustam into the sea
24.9 x 17.8 cm

37. Folio 194a
Garsivaz brings Bizhan before Afrasiyab
17.5 x 18.6 cm

38. Folio 203b
Rustam frees Bizhan from the pit
24.7 x 19.2 cm

39. Folio 227b
Gudarz slays Piran
22 x 18 cm

40. Folio 240a
Kay Khusraw stabs Shidah, son of Afrasiyab
16.2 x 19 cm

41. Folio 258a
Kay Khusraw beheads Afrasiyab
24.7 x 20.5 cm

42. Folio 271b
Gushtasp slays the beast
18.4 x 18 cm

43. Folio 273b
Gushtasp slays the dragon
19 x 18.5 cm

44. Folio 291b
Isfandiyar fights the army of Arjasp
26.1 x 21.7 cm

45. Folio 305a
Rustam welcomes Bahman
29 x 19.8 cm

46. Folio 316a
Isfandiyar pulls the forked arrow from his eyes
22.5 x 18.6 cm

47. Folio 321a
Rustam pulls himself from the pit prepared by Shaghad
29 x 19.3 cm

48. Folio 327b
Humay seats Darab on the throne
25.5 x 19.3 cm

49. Folio 353b
Rushanak joins mourners at the bier of Iskandar
24.7 x 19.7 cm

50. Folio 381a
Bahram-i Gur hunts with Azadah
15.9 x 17.4 cm

51. Folio 386a
Bahram-i Gur slays the first lion
16.6 x 18.6 cm

52. Folio 399b
Bahram-i Gur pulls the dead youth from the slain dragon
19.2 x 16.1 cm

53. Folio 407b
Bahram-i Gur aims at the rhinocerous
20.2 x 19.1 cm

54. Folio 420b
The enthronement of Nushirvan
23.2 x 17.3 cm

55. Folio 427a
The Romans flee from Nushirvan’s forces
26.3 x 17.6 cm

56. Folio 444b
The game of chess introduced at the court of Nushirvan
29.4 x 17.2 cm

57. Folio 472a
Bahram-i Chubinah assassinates Savah Shah
22.3 x 15.3 cm

58. Folio 488a
Bahram-i Chubinah makes a night-attack on the army of Khusraw Parviz
28.3 x 16.5 cm

59. Folio 508b
Qulun assassinates Bahram-i Chubinah but is caught
21.4 x 16.7 cm

60. Folio 516b
Khusraw Parviz arrives at the palace of Shirin
24.6 x 18.4 cm

61. Folio 536a
Khusraw the miller assassinates Yazdigird
21.3 x 13.4 cm

62. Folio 539b
Barsam unseats Mahuy of Sur
26.5 x 18.9 cm